tueriturbolenta / T. Djoković
↱set + lights design
2021 / tostacarusa / E production + Ravenna Teatro / Almagià, Ravenna
Author + Director / Tolja Djoković
Set + lights / Francesco Cocco
Performer / Tolja Djokovic + Aura Ghezzi + Martina Tinnirello
Photo / Marco Parollo
Support / E Production + Re.Te Ospitale: Compagnia Teatrale Petra + Ex Asilo Filangieri + U.D.I.
In a room-enclosure made of simple colored lights, three women live in apparent solitude, recalling a few decisive events in their lives: with discipline, with love, with depression, with pleasure, with a birthday, with theater .
The three work together, like the faces of a prism, to build scenes from the past that emerge from the darkness and are linked as in a dream or a stream of consciousness.
The spectators are guided in a tangle of memories, in a dramaturgical device that follows the chaotic and continuous course of existence: from adventure to adventure, from fall to fall, from pleasure to pleasure, in search of a secret art that is our joy.